My name is Sydney Pritchard.
I’m a Texas girl who loves sweetarts, bubble baths, and rap music.
I felt called to start writing my blog back in 2013 and never in my wildest dreams would I have thought it would become what it has. I’m honored that you’re here and hope you come across something that brightens your day.
I am a faith blogger, social media influencer, and creator. I’m the founder of GGCE - a consulting company for creative and digital media services, specializing in ministry and nonprofit sectors.
I’m a woman who enjoys many things. I write, I speak, I consult. I love to dance and play a ridiculous amount of sudoku every day. My story is heavy but we have a God who is not. My scars are extensive and they are deep but they remind me of the One who held me through each and every moment - especially in the times when I was not living a life that was honoring or pleasing to the Lord at all. My testimony is long but now knowing the blessing the Lord has given me in being able to speak life into so many lives who are going through similar situations.. I would choose to go through it all over again.
My mission is to change the world and live a radical life in love through the blood of Jesus Christ. My goal is to be vulnerable and talk about real things and real struggles that people deal with every day that not everyone is willing to openly talk about.
How do we help one another and lift each other up to walk boldly in Christ if we’re not willing to talk about our biggest struggles? You never know if the person next to you is going through the exact same thing. In Christian communities, it’s those feelings of being alone, being judged, not being like everyone else, not measuring up, and not being accepted that can push many people from God. We ALL fall short, we all have walked in sin, we all have had doubts. We know what it’s like to be human and to struggle and many of us know what it’s like to walk through pain that seemed unbearable and like it would never end. Someone else needs to hear that! Someone else needs to know that they aren’t the only ones struggling, that their pain isn’t going to last forever, that their pain is not in vain, that their shortcomings do not disqualify them from the love and kindness and redemption of the Lord. Someone needs to know about the beauty and overwhelming love of the Lord even in the worst of times… so TELL YOUR STORY. You don’t have to have a crazy platform or following to change lives. I didn’t. Each one of our weaknesses and every one of our scars tells a beautiful story of God’s grace, love and mercy… and there are breaking hearts everywhere desperate to know the hope that we’ve been shown.
Tell your story.
This is mine.