Caught in the Valley


I just got back from a service at Bethel Dallas and I can't help but sit in my room and just marvel at the glory of our God.. our Father.. our KING I have to say that I have been blessed to have so many valleys in my life. I don't know if you know the saying about hills and valleys (the hills being the good times and the valleys being the dark times) but I am so thankful because I have seen so many dark times.

But you know, as twisted as that might sound, a lot of great things come out of dark times. When you're in the valley, when you're at the bottom of the pit, it feels like the world is crashing down and your life is full of misery.. but let me tell you. It's the coming out of the pit, it's reaching the end of the valley and making your way to the top of the hill that opens our eyes to the glory of God. 

~What is your pit? What is your valley?~ You may not have one, and if you don't praise the Lord! But for those of you that have hit rock bottom, that are on their way there, or are even just struggling.. ask yourself what that is.

Hopefully I can shed some light on the truth and give you some encouragement when I say

YOU'RE NOT ALONE God hasn't left you. He's right here. He's right in the midst of everything you're going through. So don't fall into the devil's trap of believing He's not.

With that being said, I just need to take a second and give a quick wake up call to all the believers and any non-believers when I say that Jesus is a Savior! And I mean that very literally, Jesus SAVES. Jesus rescues those in need. Jesus Christ heals those who are broken. Jesus Christ sticks His hand alllll the way down into that dirty pit of ours and lifts us up! Jesus SAVES us!! So let Him! Stop trying to be a hero, stop trying to take control of your life and let Him save you. Let him take the pain, the hurt, the bitterness, the sadness, whatever it may be, away!

Whatever it is you're dealing with, whatever you've done or whatever is weighing you down, give it up! I'm not kidding when I say that, literally hand it to the Lord! We have an almighty and powerful God that died a gruesome death to take away our sins, our guilt, our shame, our hurt, our sadness, our pain. He wants to take it all away, give it to Him! Don't hold on to a burden that wasn't meant for you to carry.

SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? So what are you gonna do when you're stuck in the valley? Are you gonna sit and sulk and make yourself miserable? Are you gonna take things into your own hands and make your situation worse then it was before? Or are you gonna just run to Jesus?

A life with God means that even as you're walking through the valley of death that you will stand firm in Him. That you will look to Him. That you will run to Him! Don't let fear or pride or anything else stand in the way of the peace and the joy and the love of the Father. God is right here with you. He doesn't want you to suffer anymore. 

People will joke around sometimes and say "Let go and let God!" but seriously, that phrase is so accurate! It's time to let go and it's time to trust. God's got you. You don't have to earn His love because it is already there, He just wants you now exactly as you are. 

Let the Lord of the universe love on you and fill you up. I promise you there is nothing like it.

For those of you that are interested, here is a short prayer that you can pray asking God to take away that baggage you're holding on to:

"Dear Lord, thank you for your love and your grace and your mercy that you extend so freely. I now hand over and release all my fear, all my worries and all the things that are weighing me down and keeping me from your peace and your love. I ask that you would rid me of these things and fill me with your overwhelming peace and joy so that I may have freedom in Jesus name. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayers and thank you for all the amazing things you continue to do in my life. I love you, Lord. In Jesus name I pray, Amen."